woman looking at a website on her phone

Why a Responsive Web Design is Non-Negotiable for Websites

The mobile marketing gold rush exploded last year as smartphone usage reached record levels.

According to Pew Research, two out of every three Americans now own a smartphone. Similarly, it is near impossible to find a home in rich or developing nations that does not have at least one smartphone user.

With each passing day, the proliferation of mobile devices renders fixed home phone lines and internet connections obsolete.

With smartphone acceptance and usage soaring, competent digital marketers are centering their sites on the mobile internet and how to improve the user experience on mobile devices, which is why responsive design has become a “must-have” rather than a “luxury.”

Why Is Responsive Web Design a Must?

The simple answer is that responsive web design is essential for businesses that want to remain visible and accessible in today’s mobile-centric landscape. But there are other compelling reasons, as well.

Google Loves It

There’s no denying that Google loves responsive web design. In fact, the search engine giant announced way back in 2012 that it would give “mobile-friendly” sites a rankings boost in its search results pages.

What this means is that if your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you could be missing out on valuable organic traffic from Google – traffic that could be going to your competitors whose sites are responsive.

Since mobile devices are responsible for over half of all global internet traffic, it’s more important than ever to ensure your site looks great and works well on mobile screens of all sizes.

Users Hate Poor Mobile Experiences

No one likes a poor user experience, but users are even less forgiving when it comes to mobile devices. In fact, studies have shown that users are far more likely to abandon a website if they have a poor experience on mobile.

So, if you want to keep your users happy (and keep them from defecting to your competition), you need to ensure your site is responsive and offers an excellent user experience on all devices.

Responsive Design Is Good for SEO

In addition to the direct Google ranking boost, responsive design is also good for SEO in indirect ways. For example, responsive sites offer a better user experience and tend to get more social shares.

And social signals are known to play a role in SEO. In addition, responsive sites tend to load faster, which is another important ranking factor.

So, if you want your site to rank well in search results, you need to make sure it’s responsive.

Responsive Design Is the Future of the Web

There’s no doubt about it – responsive design is the future of the web. With more and more people using mobile devices to access the internet, it’s essential for businesses to have responsive sites if they want to remain visible and accessible online.

If you don’t have a responsive site, you could be missing out on valuable traffic and opportunities. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to make sure your site is responsive.

Are you looking for a web design company in Vancouver? Turn to Honeycomb Creative. We built our first website in 1996 and continue to evolve website design and development services to meet the needs of our clients. Contact us.

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