
3 Ways Good Web Design Affects User Experience

Web design impacts your bottom line in many ways, which have a cumulative effect. For example, your site’s aesthetics, usability, and overall customer experience are crucial to building an online strategy for your company’s long-term success.

How much do these aspects impact your bottom line? In this post, we’ll look at three major aspects of web design and how you can improve them.

1. Easy Navigation Helps Users Find Things Quickly

When visitors land on your website, how long do they stay before leaving? If the answer is less than ten seconds, you’re losing out on potential sales.

It’s a well-known fact that most visitors don’t go beyond the first page of search results. One study shows that the average bounce rate among users who land on the first page of search results is as high as 47.9 percent.

If your site scores low in search engine results, you’re missing out on a significant portion of your potential web traffic. A surefire way to solve this problem is to provide users with quick, easy access to content. This involves designing a website that’s easy to navigate.

Efficient navigation makes it easy for users to find what they want. It also helps build trust and confidence in your brand.

2. Clear Calls-To-Action (CTAs) Help You Convert More Visitors Into Customers

Content is at the heart of your website. You have to provide the right content to attract the right kind of traffic.

When you include CTAs on your site, you introduce your audience to the most important parts of your website. CTAs help convert visitors into customers by providing a direct line to your sales funnel.

Some of the most common elements are headlines, graphics, and buttons. These help to frame your audience’s expectations about the content you provide. CTAs can help you educate your audience, improve your site’s usability, and drive conversion, as they provide users with a clear path to taking action.

3. Faster Load Times Retains More Visitors

There’s a lot of data supporting the claim that faster load times result in higher conversion rates. To be clear, you’re not going to convert any visitors who leave in the first ten seconds. But you will lose out on those visitors who spend more than ten seconds assessing your site.

This leads us to a cost-benefit analysis of website speed. The data clearly shows that focusing on speed is worth the time. A one-second delay decreases conversion rates by seven percent.

You can’t afford a slow website. How do you fix this problem? It’s a matter of optimizing your website for speed. There are a lot of different ways to do this. You can optimize for speed by using an image management system like WordPress allows users to upload images with the correct DPI.

Use content delivery networks (CDNs) if you have a large website (like an eCommerce store). These networks use a distributed network of multiple servers to deliver your website.


There are a variety of ways to improve the speed of your website. You must choose a solution that fits your particular needs. These recommendations are just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to improve your website’s usability, aesthetics, and UX, you should talk to some of the best web design companies in your area.

Honeycomb Creative is a web design agency in Vancouver, BC. We build custom-designed websites with custom programming features for our clients that set them apart from the competition. From website design and website development to marketing services, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us today and let us know how we can help!

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